Nexus Global - Africa April 22, 2021


Nexus Global is a not-for-profit registered in Canada and operating mainly in Africa.  We currently have teams in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Nigeria, Morocco, South Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa and Egypt. 


Our goal is to facilitate the creation of a new Africa where poverty and war are eliminated, wealth is shared, and the natural world is celebrated and protected.  We seek to build a continent where elections are held in free, open circumstances leading to the appointment of political leaders who truly represent their constituents.  We imagine an Africa where political power is earned rather than held by means of violence, threats and fear.


We invite the countries of Africa to reflect on their past, their present and their future and to take whatever measures are necessary to realize the country of their dreams and the Africa of their dreams.


As part of this re-visioning process, we ask our partners to consider the four pillars of Nexus Global as a way for countries to recognize each other, and further to support each other in this endeavour. 


The first guiding principle.  To address the issue of poverty, GAIA (Guaranteed Annual Income for All) is introduced. 

Every country in the world has been designated a monetary amount that represents a “living wage”.  Every individual over 21 years of age is guaranteed to earn this amount every year. For all those who are earning a living wage already, this proposal doesn’t affect you. For those of you who are earning less than a living wage, this proposal would be a supplement to that. For those of you who are earning nothing, you will take full advantage of this proposal.


In this time of transition, when we have the opportunity to redefine the concept of right livelihood, much of what we considered valuable work or necessary work to maintain our economies, will be left behind.  As this shift takes place everywhere, we will finally have the opportunity to make use of our resources and creativity to allow us to work harmoniously with the environment which supports us.  No one in one part of the world will “have” to work under conditions that would be unacceptable in another. 

Second principle.  To address the salary inequalities within a country, the maximum salary gap between those of any given country will be established as 25 times.  Usually, this will mean 25 times GAIA for the highest paid.

Third principle.  To address inequalities between countries, a formula will be applied so that there will be a transference of funds between the richest and the poorest.  This will start at the inception of Nexus Global and then every 3 years after that.  The maximum transference from any country will be 1% of GDP per transfer.

Fourth principle.  An end to war.  Each country participating in this template will declare itself a “violence free zone”.  This means an end to war and an end to state-sanctioned violence by governments against their own citizens. 

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